I always find there is an issue of whether I should create work that is critically aware of the space it is in, or whether I can make work that is purely aesthetically or conceptually pleasing without making a comment on the space. I am keen that everyone should think about the space where they’re exhibiting with the work in mind, or they should make their work with the space in mind, so that all work is context responsive.


Some artists do this by creating work that is made within the space itself, so can never be separated from it. These installation artists seek to create an impermanent space that can transform the way a person views or interacts with the space, such as Anish Kapoor’s Marsyas, which was in the Turbine Hall at the Tate Modern.


The Tate Modern’s Turbine Hall is always very aware of the space when curating it, and when deciding on which artists to fill it. The work is always site-specific, as the artists are commissioned to create work specifically for the Turbine Hall. I think there needs to be more of this sort of work, where the work is commissioned for a particular space, as this will force artists to consider the exhibition space more carefully when making work.
